I was on a facebook group for a business that specialized in burlesque dancewear for women of all sizes. I posted my wonder woman outfit featuring the shorts I got from the company. I had gotten many compliments about the outfit I had put together last minute for a convention.
When I recieved the notification that I had a comment on the photo I had posted, thats when I saw your comment. My picture was disgusting to you. I was everything wrong with America and I needed to diet. But you didnt stop there you had to voice your opinion on another one of my photos that also did not meet your standards.
I thought about feeding you but decided it would better to contact the owner of the business and let her know about you. As I discovered that you weren't only trolling me but any girl who was not up to your standards. It wasn't good enough to make nasty comments about me but you just had to go strolling through months worth of photos to spread your venom. Basically targeting this woman's business for daring to make sexy dance wear for woman of all shapes and sizes. You might as well have been standing in front of her business and yelling "you fat ass you should diet" to everyone who shops at her business.
Yes it is my fault your comments were removed and blocked. And no it not because you hurt my feelings. My feelings are fine. I am not ashamed of my body. And I'm not going to hide my body because you and others like you think I should.
I was too busy being angry to feel hurt. Angry you would disrespect some one's business. Angry that you felt the need to make others feel bad. I'm forty years old with pretty good self esteem. But not everyone is like that. It takes a certain amount of bravery to put a picture of your self on the internet because of people like you. It makes me sad when I hear girls say "I'm going to do_________ I just need to lose weight first."
I swear if I waited to do everything I wanted to because I didn't lose weight I'd never do anything.
Im 5'1 and never really been skinny. At thinnest at as an adult was 150 lb and was because I had gotten really sick and barely ate for 3 -4 weeks in my early 20's and lost 20 lbs in a month. Everyone told me how much better I looked after losing that weight. I hate seeing those pictures becuase the way I lost the weight was so miserable but yet everyone celebrated me for it. Of course I gained that weight right back once I could stomach real meals again.
The most successful times I have lost weight was when I did it on my own terms. I when I kicking boxing I lost 15 lb I still weighted 175 but I looked amazing and I worked for every pound I lost. I was really proud of myself. But life happens as it does and I had to give it up.
I've never truly been inactive. I've been dancing all my life. And the past 5 years I have been practicing burlesque, circus and fire arts. I am a fire and sword dancer. Oh did I mention I work 2 jobs as well. So being lazy is not the reason I'm fat. I could eat better and I could exercise more. I've always been chubby and you calling me fat is not going to stop me or shame me into not eating.
By the way I got to check out your facebook page. It made me a little sad. There you were with your selfie in your bathroom shirtless with cash fanned out in your hand, with your cover picture of a fancy gun and knife. Trying to look like some white ghetto thug. Pretending to be man.
It makes me sad becuase I know nothing I say here will make you change your attitude towards women. It makes me sad that you will never really know how to love a woman because you will way too concerned about the way she looks. A real man loves a woman for who she is and not what she looks like. A real man doesn't put down others in public because he is not attracted to them.
Go ahead scream free speech if you like and you have the right to think and say what you want. But I also have the right to call out for being a rude dick head. You have the right to think i'm ugly and fat but you should have the common sense and decency to not put someone down and degrade them because they are not up to your "standards".
I lied this letter really isn't for you. As I pointed out before nothing I say will change you mind about fat girls. You have made yourself the self appointed fat police. While you sit behind the computer looking for more fat girls to troll I will be out living my life, performing on stage, going to conventions and hanging out with my family and friends. This letter was for me and other girls/women like me. Do what you want. Wear what you want. And show it off. Most of all don't hide. Fat girls are not monsters that need to be hidden away in dark rooms.
You have one body and one life, learn to love it.